Al-Ameen Public School, Chandiroor was established by the Al-Ameen Educational Trust, Kochi in the year 2001 with a view to provide value based education to the weaker sections of the community at large. Al-Ameen Educational Trust was established in the year 1978, a charitable trust registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 with a view to promote quality education based on personal development, character formation, and communal harmony. The other institutions established by the trust are Al-Ameen Public School, Edappally, Al-Ameen International public School Edathala, Al-Ameen College,Edathala , Al Ameen College of Medical Science ,Edathala ,Al-Ameen Public School Sreemoolanagaram and Al Ameen Cheraman Malik Public School, Kodungaloor . All the above Al-Ameen institutions are part of the Al-Ameen movement founded by Dr. Mumtaz Ahamad Khan. The School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, Government of India and has classes from L.K.G. to Class XII.

Al-Ameen believes that education is “not mere filling of a pale, but lighting of a fire,” a fire that would burn and break all barriers in the quest for knowledge and should prepare the child to face the realities of life. It is the education, which turns the child from animality to socialized human being. The children are like clay in the hands of teachers at schools.
Al-Ameen prepares the children to be the real leaders in life. Leaders are not born, they are really made. Al-Ameen helps the children to transform ‘information’ into ‘knowledge’. With the above view in mind. Al-Ameen prepares the students not only for the prescribed examination but also for the development of humanity in the right age.
The system of education beyond class room is a real life training based on moral and ethical values. Every religion especially Islam envisages a complete way of life. It is the life training that helps the children to grow in the right path. It touches every walk of human life right from the age of 5 years upto to age of 18 years.

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